I've never found TDEE calculators accurate. Maybe it's the actual calorie availability in the plant-based diet I eat, or my workouts are somehow super metabolically active, but I've always needed 200-500 kcal more per day than it recommends (5'3, 23f, 2,500-2,700/day maintenance). Just a comment for anyone else who has tried tracking and found it really really difficult because you're starving even eating all the right things. You might just need more ❤️.

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!!! This is an excellent comment. Definitely agree that following your own body and its needs is what’s important! I just suggest TDEE calcs as a starting point for intentional eating and meal planning but totally agree that they’re not the end all! Thanks for reading ❤️

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I really liked this post. Read it, came home and made a bowl with lentils, chicken, feta, pickled onions, and sweet potatoes. What a great filling lunch.

The focus on whole, diverse, enjoyable foods was a great reminder to me to eat those things.

Any suggestions for great, filling snacks? My family eats dinner late and I have to have something reasonably filling by 4:30 to avoid eating… more processed things.

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Really enjoyed the post, and I’m looking forward to reading the e-book when it’s finished.

I’m trying to be just a little more intentional about food and exercise to improve my health, rather than get bogged down in the daily grind and revert to just getting food on the table that is easy and the kids won’t overly whine about - still healthier than the standard American diet but certainly not optimal or intentional. I’m trying to psych myself up to give Chronometer a try, as I hate the hassle of tracking food intake. In the mean time I’m going to saute the extra chard I didn’t use at dinner to put in an omelet tomorrow, and soak some chickpeas to cook and make hummus.

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I would love to learn more about how to hit your protein goals. I find it impossible! How do you hit 170 per day?!

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My favorite dessert (especially when I’m still hungry after dinner on a day I’ve done a tough workout) is to mix Greek yogurt, a scoop of protein powder, and some choc chips or nuts or pb. That right there can be 30-40g! Also a great snack 😊

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Love this and would love more sports nutrition content! I’ve been lifting heavy for about 10 years but I’m struggling with eating enough and the right amount of protein lately. Tack on approaching midlife and my body isn’t happy - low energy and my progress has been slower than I’d hoped. Meal prepping truly is the key but thanks for the reminder to make it a priority!

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loved this whole post!! I’m early on in my lifting/fitness journey, so still learning, and this was super helpful!

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Thank you ! 💪🏻

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Reading this post on the train made me so incredibly thirsty...

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Really interesting, thank you 🙏🏻 Lots to muse on. Do you have any advice for vegans?

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LOVED this

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Very timely for me, I just started to exercise 3-5x per week to help with depression and weight loss after a 20lb weight gain this winter. I have never been a dieter and have a healthy body image but it is nice to have some guidance/direction, especially in the nutrition category that doesnt feel bro-ey. Thanks for your time and expertise!

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Thanks for the information! I followed the Whole30 eating plan with great success—cholesterol dropped by a lot (262 to 226) and I lost 7-10 lbs. It wasn’t that difficult; I felt strong and healthy (we eat mostly whole foods, but my downfall was dessert and cocktails…and Triscuits). I spent a week at a Bhuddist retreat center, eating beans and grains, which was not the optimal diet for me. It will be interesting to see how Whole30 eating compares to what you recommend.

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Anna this may be under the “pay for services” category so please let me know! But working in NYC, I find myself opting for a sweetgreen salad for lunch at work and after reading this, I wonder what you recommend in building something from their menu? Are there ingredients you would choose vs not to avoid the big bowl of salad that isn’t doing anything good?

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100% love this post. i worked with a sports dietician for the first time end of last year for a few wks and wish i'd done it sooner. the tracking had been super helpful for me and learning to balance macros in a meal was not something i'd thought about before, but i think maybe has helped a lot with my sugar/dessert cravings (not just a getting older and shifting tastes thing). thank you for this content and looking forward to reading more! ❤️

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